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May 08, 2008


Jeremy Labram

Emissions measurement and reporting is all virtual. Virtually no one has meters sited above their operation measuring and recording how much greenhouse gas they are producing. Carbon footprinting etc. is all based upon modelling and assumptions and the calculations are unlikely to be capable of corroboration.

The only value I see in it is giving a company a snapshot of their footprint from which they can look for obvious savings in energy, irrespective of how green a source it is bought from. With so called green energy in short supply, any energy savings have a positive impact to the world, unlike offsetting which is no better than Lutheran indulgences. As energy gets more expensive it is very prudent to reduce its use, year on year; year after year. That's as far as the carbon footprint work needs to go.

If you were to turn to my last post (#8) on my blog (http://bpvocc.blogspot.com) you could also see other areas, mainly in raw material reduction, reuse of materials, and energy recovery from waste streams, in which company improvements could be made, which again lead to bottom line savings.

So rather than simply being seen to comply with ill-founded regulation, I would recommend companies reduce consumption by minimising excess on their inputs and reusing waste. Those companies providing accounting software to comply with the regulation could offer their clients so much more by enabling them to see how to take cost directly from the bottom line.

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